Monday, September 12, 2011

When Apartheid Began in South Africa

South Africa 2010

Apartheid was an event that had impacted so many lives of the people in South Africa. It was a policy that became effective in 1948. Many people are interested to know the answer to the question when did Apartheid start.

1. The first answer to the question when did Apartheid start is in the early years of the nineteenth century when the laws specifically for black citizens were created. These were the rules that the blacks only had to follow. These also became the foundation of the Apartheid.

2. The second answer to the question when did Apartheid start is in 1948 when the party called the Afrikaner came to power. They had a plan to create rules so the blacks and the white would have a clear separation. They made laws that covered each aspect in life. They banned the marriage of a white and a black person. They also made jobs specifically for the white people only.

3. The third answer to the question when did Apartheid start is in the fifties when a rule known as the Population Registration Act was made. It mentioned that in South Africa there are 3 official races that should be recognized namely; colored, whites and blacks. The Indians, Asians and those who were part black were the ones that were categorized as the colored race. Anyone who refused to this ruling would get a major punishment from the government.

4. The fourth answer to the question when did Apartheid start is when The Homelands Law became effective. This ruling stated that there are specific places where colored and blacks can only live. The privileges of the colored and the blacks have limitations. There are places in South Africa which they cannot easily enter if they don't carry the necessary papers.

5. The fifth answer to the question when did Apartheid start is when the Public Safety Act took effect. This law declared that people who rebel against the government will be punished. The people can get imprisoned for several months. Many black people were kept in prison for several years. They also received torture and Nelson Mandela was one of them.

The Apartheid came to an end in the nineties. This happened because of the pressure that came from the other countries to abolish the laws that discriminates the people. It also happened because of the series of street demonstrations that people did to express their desire for the abolishment of the laws. The first fair elections among all the South African citizens happened in 1994.

Please click these links if you want to know more about when did apartheid start or when did Alaska become a state in general.

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