"Can a fortune teller really predict my future?" "Should I trust a fortune teller?" Those are the kinds of questions people ask me when they learn of my great interest in mysticism and the occult. I would often tell them about my interesting experience visiting a fortune teller when I was a teenager.
It was a warm summer evening. My friends and I were looking for some excitement in the last days of our vacation before we started high school. So we decided to go to the local fairground and have fun. I was wearing a tank top and shorts, and was barefooted - my favorite outfit even to this day. We came across a tent with a sign in the front saying "Have your fortune told by a world famous fortune teller." I thought that was interesting. I didn't believe in any of that stuff, but being an adventurous and rebellious teen I wanted to go in and find out what it was like visiting a fortune teller. I was even thinking of making fun of the fortune teller, asking them some weird questions.
My friends were more interested in trying their luck on winning some stuffed animals in the game arcade. So, I went into the tent by myself. The fortune teller was a middle-aged woman dressed like a Gypsy, wearing a colorful gown and headscarf, and all kinds of strange jewelry. She looked rather comical, and I couldn't help giggling. I quickly covered my mouth and pretended to cough.
The fortune teller greeted me, "Welcome, young lady. Have a seat, I'll be right with you." So, I sat down and propped my feet up on another chair. "Hey, get your dirty feet off my chair!" yelled the fortune teller. I was a bit startled and said, "Oops, sorry mam." Glancing at her stern face, I tried hard not to giggle again.
She pulled the chair and sat at the table facing me. Before even asking me any questions, the fortune teller summarized my emotional state at the time. She said I just broke up with my boyfriend whom I considered the love of my life, and she sensed a deep sadness within me. I was stunned. How did she know? Before I had a chance to recover, she went on to tell me that I would not get back with him. I was completely devastated, as I was hoping she would say the opposite.
I was giggling a minute ago, and now I found myself sobbing in front of the fortune teller. To make matters worse, I didn't have any tissue and neither did she. So, I had to wipe my tears and runny nose with my shirt. How embarrassing! I felt like the fortune teller turned the table on me. I was planning to make fun of her but as it turned out, I was the one who felt humiliated.
Nevertheless, the fortune teller showed some compassion. She tried to comfort me and told me that the universe had something better in store for me. She said I should let my old boyfriend go because I was soon to meet my real soul mate. This handsome man and I would get married and have children, we would drive a big van and live happily by the ocean. I didn't really believe her though, as I thought she was just saying those things to make me feel better.
As I met back with my friends outside I told them it was a great experience. "This Gypsy fortune teller looked into a giant crystal ball and told me I would meet my Prince Charming, and we would live happily ever after." We all had a good laugh and continued our fun at the fairground.
The events that took place following my visit with the fortune teller were rather amazing, if not bizarre. A few months later I heard my old boyfriend got back with his previous girlfriend and married her. Shortly thereafter, I did meet another guy. He was a few years older than me and was absolutely gorgeous. We had a very passionate relationship. However, there were a few things about him my parents didn't like and they disapproved of our relationship.
The fortune teller's words kept ringing in my ears, however. Although I didn't believe her in the beginning, deep down I kept hoping she was right and this guy would be the love of my life. So I decided to leave my parents and run away with him. We lived together in his beat-up old van that he parked near the beach. It was a lot of fun in the beginning, and I was having the time of my life.
One day I found out I was pregnant. My boyfriend freaked out when I told him. Since I was still a minor, I couldn't get an abortion without parental consent, and he said he wasn't ready to have a child. Being scared and confused, he took the easy way out and left me. So much for being a soul mate. So, I decided to have the baby and my parents were gracious enough to let me move back in with them, although my dad really let me have it.
So, did the fortune teller's predictions come true? Yes, in a twisted sort of way. Would I go see another fortune teller to have my future told? Most likely not. I believe we shape our own lives with our thoughts and actions. Today my little daughter and I are living our lives to the fullest, and believe good things always lie ahead of us. We don't need a fortune teller to read our future since we know all is well.
Yes, there are legit fortune tellers and psychics who can foretell your future based on the vibrations that they are able to detect, and I can't discredit them. Some people find comfort in hearing of their good fortune, and that in itself will set their vibration to a higher level. However, as I said, I personally believe we have the ultimate control over our own lives.
So, the decision whether or not to see and trust a fortune teller is completely yours. Should you decide to see one, you need do your homework first so you don't fall prey to scam artists who are just after your money.
Tanya Robbins has a keen interest in the mystics and the occult. She is the Chief Editor of Mysteries and Mystics where you can find interesting articles and resources on astrology, psychic reading, Wicca, witchcraft and more. She also writes regularly for Cool Info Lounge where you can find cool and valuable information at your fingertips.